How kettlebells help you shovel snow…

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We have had far too much snow this winter.  When I say too much, I mean that the piles at the side of my driveway are now taller than I am – about 6 feet. I mean that I haven’t seen the ground at my house in over a month.  I mean that I have moved so much snow, I think I could qualify for heavy machinery status!  This morning, I finally gave in and had someone come and plow my driveway because I just couldn’t face it again.  To give you an idea of why I did that, here is the math I did for the last major snowstorm we had that dumped 2+ feet on us:

Driveway length = 300+ feet

Driveway width = 8+ feet

Snow depth = 2+ feet

Total cubic feet of snow = 4,800

Weight per cubic foot = average 8 lbs.

Total snow moved by 2 people (my hubby and me) in 2.5 hours = 38,400 lbs. or 19.2 tons (3.84 tons/person per hour)

Now, what does kettlebell training have to do with all of this ridiculous math? I have learned through my training with Louis over the past few months that you need to use your whole body to move weight. Yes, doing deadlifts with kettlebells that weigh 70+ pounds really does make sense.  Those kettlebell cleans and swings have helped me more than I can tell you.  I have learned to use my lower body to move that weight rather than just my arms and my back. Now I’ve transferred that knowledge to the way I shovel. I had back surgery a little less than a year ago, so I have no other choice but to lift the right way.  It’s not just the actual training, though. It’s the attitude that goes along with becoming a stronger person.  I was out there fighting my way through drifts up to my knees, thinking “I can do this! Take that, snow!” instead of moaning, groaning and complaining.

Now, even though we had our driveway plowed today, I went and helped my neighbors shovel out and cleared part of our cul-de-sac that was never touched by the city.  It wasn’t just a matter of being nice, but it was the knowledge that Punch was closed today and I had to get that workout in somehow!

I am still sick of the snow, but at least I am strong enough to deal with it. I’m really looking forward to shoveling some sand on the beach this summer instead!


Kettlebells ROCK!


One of the first things I did in my journey to a healthier me was to sign up for a new gym.  I looked around for a long time to find something that would keep me interested and excited about exercise – no easy task!  I’ve done everything from the small women’s gym to the fancy upscale gym to the bare bones “judgment free” gym.  The problem I found was that nobody really held me accountable for being there, nobody really cared whether I showed up or not, and it was always the same thing time after time.  I either felt badly about not being able to keep up with everyone else in the group fitness classes, or I got bored working out on my own – not really knowing what I should be doing.  I worked out with a personal trainer for a while, but that got really expensive.

In early September, I was still on the hunt for a new workout and I happened to see an ad for Punch Kettlebell Gym.  I had seen kettlebells before, but had never used them.  I thought it would be something different, so I decided to call and make an appointment for the free orientation session to find out what this kettlebell stuff was all about.  I am not kidding when I say that half hour orientation completely changed my feelings about “working out.”  I learned some of the basics of what this workout would include, and I liked it, so I signed up for 10 sessions.  After my first two, I was hooked.  I am now a full-fledged member, making some real progress.  Never before have I looked forward to my workouts.  Never before have I been upset when I can’t get to the gym.  I have met some really great people in class, and have the BEST trainers!  They are encouraging, push me to go beyond my self-imposed limits, and every workout is something different.  They keep things interesting! I have never done the same workout twice, and I have been going now since September.

Here is a link to the gym that has made me a stronger, more active person:

Punch Kettlebell Gym of Norwalk

Punch Kettlebell Gym of Norwalk on Facebook

The workouts are based on the Art of Strength, founded by Anthony DiLuglio.  Here is a link for more information about AOS:

Art of Strength

Art of Strength on Facebook

After just a few months, I’m doing things I never thought I could do – dead lifts with kettlebells that weigh upwards of 70 pounds, lunges and one-armed rows on the Bandit Loops – and I just keep getting stronger and stronger.  I feel much better about myself, I’m starting to lose some of the weight, and other people are starting to notice.  If you’ve never done kettlebells, I highly recommend you try it – at least once.