Thankful Thursday #1

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As you can tell, I’ve become all about the link-ups lately! I figure this is a great way to find some new blogs to read, and hopefully find some new folks who will like my blog as well! Thanks to Julia at Black Tag Diaries for hosting!

The past few weeks have been really crazy for me. I started a new job in July, and it came with a whole bunch of stuff I totally wasn’t expecting. There are a ton of reports to write, budgets to put together, and all of my deadlines have been basically one on top of the other. I’ve been so busy that I have found myself getting irritable, complaining about stupid little stuff, and just generally being in a funk. I decided today that I was going to try to be more thankful for the things that I have, and stop the negativity. I knew there HAD to be someone out there with a Thankful Thursdays link-up, and I was right!

So now for some positive stuff. Not all of these things are incredibly earth-shattering, or even important in the least, but sometimes it’s the little things that make life worthwhile! Here’s what I’m thankful for today – in no particular order…

My dog, Lady. As much as I complain about her, I don’t know what I’d do without that doggie smile to brighten my day.

My cat, Jasmine. She’s fuzzy, warm, and completely silly – as evidenced by the fact that she is sitting in a box in the middle of the kitchen floor. She’s my snuggle kitty.

My awesome hubby – shown here with a slice of Sicilian from our favorite local pizza joint. We’ve been together almost 19 years, married for little over 10, and I can’t imagine life without him. He’s the best.

My friends, B & E – and the fact that they got married this summer. They are awesome people, and they had an awesome wedding…in SWEDEN! So much fun, and I never would have gotten to travel to Sweden if it wasn’t for them.


The amazing children at Hogares Luz y Vida – the orphanage in Bogotá, Colombia where I volunteer my time. This little one, Luisa, is now around 4 years old. I haven’t seen her since the day this photo was taken since she was fortunate enough to go live with her grandparents, but she will forever be in my heart.

I think that’s about it for today…other than the fact that I’m really thankful for my colleagues who have been helping me with the massive project that has taken over my job, my life, and my office for the last week or so. It’s almost over – and for that I will be EXTREMELY thankful! We’ll leave that for next Thursday… 🙂

What are you thankful for today?